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  • Tags: mental health

le pôle mal-être de mcgill - le délit.pdf
An article discussing how many student groups have criticized the Student Wellness Hub for the confusion in how to access services and the long wait times.

Nouveaux services inadéquats.pdf
Coverage of a protest calling for greater accessibility of physical and mental health resources for students at McGill, including reinstating long-term care and shortening wait times.

Rentrée de l_AÉUM Questions Pressantes.pdf
Profiles of the SSMU VP University Affairs and VP Internal Affairs on the topics of mental health and student groups.

Qu_en pense la principale.pdf
An article written after the student press interviewed Principal Suzanne Fortier on topics such as the Zero Tolerance campaign, mental health, and accessibility and diversity.

Refonte des Services aux étudiants.pdf
Coverage of a round table organized by the McGill administration about their plan for student services.

AÉUM Candidats.pdf
Publication of SSMU candidates' positions and platforms ahead of an election.

Au-delà des préjugés.pdf
Coverage of a conference about mental health, in which the link between racism and criminal justice system and its effect on mental health was discussed.

Nightline Turns 20.pdf
Article commemorating Nightline's 20th anniversary.

Sexual identity and teen suicide.pdf
Article on a McGill study investigating the connection between sexual orientation and teen suicide.

Activism's negative side.pdf
A discussion of how activism impacts mental health.
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