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  • Tags: racism

Écouter les étudiantes noires.pdf
Coverage of the Black Student Network presenting their project of a Charter of Rights for Black students.

comprendre et lutter contre la violence des forces de l’ordre (établi) - le délit.pdf
An editorial about police brutality and the penal system in Montreal and Quebec.

L_AÉUM contre la culture V.I.P..pdf
Coverage of an SSMU legislative council meeting in which they discussed the Motion Regarding Policy on VP Internal Intoxication and V.I.P Culture at SSMU Events and the Motion to Adopt a Policy Against Affiliation with Far Right Groups, among others.

l’indignation prend la plume - le délit.pdf
Coverage of a conference discussing the racism in the GSFS program following a teaching position being filled without interviewing any Black candidates.

Manifestation contre le racisme.pdf
Coverage of a protest against all forms of racism and xenophobia.

Tags: ,

«Black Lives Matter» le combat continue.pdf
An article on the topic of the Black Lives Matter movement.

Au-delà des préjugés.pdf
Coverage of a conference about mental health, in which the link between racism and criminal justice system and its effect on mental health was discussed.

Culture Shock éveil garanti.pdf
Coverage and discussion of QPIRG's Culture Shock event where students were educated about visible minorities.

Why equity and social justice matter.pdf
A piece written by SSMU's equity team commenting on student groups' missteps and the need for equity on campus.

Muslim students still without prayer space; McGill Security accused of racial discrimination.pdf
Article covering an instance where a Muslim student was targeted by McGill security.
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