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  • Tags: activism

Jusque-là, l_acharnement.pdf
Coverage of President of the United States Donald Trump's plan "Ending the HIV Epidemic."

La résistance anti-Trump.pdf
An article discussing the aftermath of Donald Trump winning the presidential election in the United States and how students might be feeling, ultimately encouraging students to take action, publicizing a QPIRG event on the topic.

Fort(ier) policée.pdf
An article written after interviewing Principal Suzanne Fortier on topics such as sexual violence.

L_art activiste sur la toile.pdf
An article discussing the differences in effectiveness of activist art seen online versus seen in public environments.


Activisme 101.pdf
Coverage of an event celebrating the launch of McGill Professor Dr. Aziz Choudry's book "Learning Activism: The Intellectual Life of Contemporary Social Movements".

Le journalisme étudiant_ une voix du militantisme gai.pdf
A discussion of radical student journalism, in particular the McGill Daily's, role in queer activism.

Where have all the activists gone.pdf
Discussion of the differences in student activism over time.


Manifesto for a student movement.pdf
A writer discusses what they want from a student movement.


Activism's negative side.pdf
A discussion of how activism impacts mental health.
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