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  • Tags: student-professor relationships

An article discussing the power imbalences in student-professor relationships and possible solutions.

Projet de loi 151.pdf
Coverage of the Quebec provincial government's implementation of Bill 151, an act to prevent and fight sexual violence in higher education institutions, and its mandate for regulations around student-professor relationships.

Rentrée de l_AÉUM Questions Pressantes 2-redacted.pdf
Profiles of the SSMU VP External Affairs and VP Finance and their opinions on various issues, including student-teacher relationships and Indigineity.

Tumulte aux études Islamiques(1).pdf
Coverage of changes in the Islamic Studies department and updates on the sexual violence allegations against a professor in the department.

La voix donnée aux survivantes.pdf
An interview with the president of the special committee of the McGill Senate on intimate relationships between professors and students.

Open Letter to McGill re_ Complaints Against Faculty.pdf
An open letter addressed to the McGill administration regarding sexual violence on campus. The letter, which was sent on April 4, 2018, accuses at least five professors of sexual misconduct within the Departments of History, Philosophy, Political…

Prof support for SSMU open letter.pdf
An open letter written by faculty supporting the open letter written by the 2017-18 SSMU executive team regarding sexual violence on campus. The letter is signed by almost 150 faculty members.

A response from the McGill Association of University Teachers to SSMU's April 4, 2018 open letter regarding sexual violence on campus and student-professor relationships.

vol108iss4_A Call for McGill.pdf
A letter written by graduate students urges the administration to ban intimate relationships between students and professors.

Sous certaines conditions.pdf
Coverage of the final report by the McGill senate on recommendations regarding professor-student relationships.
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