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  • Tags: academics

[redacted] renvoyé de McGill(1).pdf
Coverage of an assistant professor in the Faculty of Dentistry's dismissal from McGill, being found guilty of perpetrating sexual violence.

L_AUS approuve POLI 339.pdf
Coverage of the AUS's approval for funding the political science course that would take students on a two-week trip to the Hebrew University of Israel in Jerusalem.

Un cours qui suscite la colère.pdf
Coverage of a political science course that would take students on a two-week trip to the Hebrew University of Israel in Jerusalem, bringing up issues of territorial disputes between Israel and Palestine.

Tumulte aux études Islamiques(1).pdf
Coverage of changes in the Islamic Studies department and updates on the sexual violence allegations against a professor in the department.

McGill surveille ses étudiantes.pdf
Coverage of internal administrative documents regarding the management of sexual violence complaints.

Le professeur [redacted] poursuit un professeur et une étudiante..pdf
Coverage of allegations against a McGill professor by a student and another professor for sexual violence.

Démanteler la culture du viol.pdf
An article in a special edition section focused on rape culture interviewing Professors Shaheen Shariff and Carrie Rentschler about their project to address sexual violence at canadian universities.

Études autochtones.pdf
Coverage of the debut of an Indigenous Studies minor at McGill University.

McGill lacks First Nations Studies program.pdf
An article about the low enrollment of Indigenous students at McGill and lack of Indigenous studies program.

Conference encourages undergrads to link work with community activism.pdf
Article about QPIRG's Study in Action conference, which aimed to bridge the gap between academia and activism.
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