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  • Tags: student orientation

Describes changes to Alternative Frosh (first began in 1995) to encourage less alcohol use.

vol109iss3_Consent is Mandatory.pdf
A student writes about their impressions of the "It Takes All of Us" sexual violence education program and larger discussions around consent on campus.

vol109iss1_Our Shared Spaces.pdf
Students and staff work together to update and improve "Our Shared Spaces" (previously know as "Rez Project) an equity education project offered in student residence.

vol108iss23_Rez Project Improvements.pdf
Over the 2018-19 school year, Rez Project received increased funding and underwent many changes, including hiring paid facilitators, providing more interactive workshops, and offering workshops in French and Mandarin, in addition to English.

rad frosh 2014.pdf
The guide/program for the 2014 iteration of Rad Frosh, an alternative orientation event hosted by QPIRG-McGill.

Engineering Frosh is Sexist.pdf
A student discusses a sexist song that is traditionally sung at McGill's engineering frosh.

Engineering Frosh is Not Sexist.pdf
A student responds to an earlier article about engineering frosh.

Rape isn't funny.pdf
A McGill Daily writer contributes to the conversation surrounding a sexist song from engineering frosh.

No is no, yes is no.pdf
A demand for discussions of consent to be more nuanced.

Les initiations dans les universités.pdf
Discussion of issues around McGill student groups organizing drinking events, namely the risk of irresponsible alcohol consumption.
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