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  • Tags: Canadian Government

Le retrait non consenti du condom examiné par la Cour suprême.pdf
Coverage of the legal debates surrounding the practice of stealthing, removing one's condom during sex without the knowledge or consent of the other partner, and whether or not it counts as sexual violence.

Rassemblement à McGill en soutien aux enfants autochtones..pdf
Coverage of a protest of the federal government's decision to repeal a ruling that would compensate child survivors of abuse in Child Protective Services.

Les conservateurs et l_avortement.pdf
Coverage of the Conservative Party of Canada's position on abortion following a debate on the topic.

Les grandes oubliées.pdf
An article published ahead of the federal election outlining political issues that are often ignored, namely systemic violence against Indigenous women.

Hommage aux femmes disparues.pdf
Coverage of the commemorative demonstration for Indigenous victims of violence, particularly missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls.

Marche dénonciatrice.pdf
Coverage of the 9th march and vigil for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls.

Un pas en arrière dans la législation sur la prostitution.pdf
Coverage of sex workers associations' disapproval of the passing of Bill C-36, which criminalized the purchase of prostitution, putting sex workers in danger.

Prostitution entre sécurité et électoralisme.pdf
An article discussing the Canadian legal framework for prostitution and whether the laws work to help or hurt sex workers.

No is no, yes is no.pdf
A demand for discussions of consent to be more nuanced.
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