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  • Tags: student government

«Blurred Lines» au Conseil.pdf
Coverage of a SSMU council meeting that denied the motion to ban the song "Blurred Lines" because of its contribution to rape culture.

[redacted]_ les réactions étudiantes - le délit-redacted.pdf
Commentary on the sexual violence allegations against SSMU VP External from students and student organizations.

accusation visant le futur v.-p. interne de l_aÉum_ quelle est la procédure_ - le délit.pdf
An article speculating what the procedure might be regarding the incoming SSMU VP Internal being accused of perpetrating sexual violence.

AÉUM Candidats.pdf
Publication of SSMU candidates' positions and platforms ahead of an election.

Against pro-life groups.pdf
Co-authors of the GA motion that disbanded Choose Life responding to criticism.

allégations d_agression sexuelle concernant [redacted] et [redacted]_ l’aÉum lève le voile - le délit.pdf
Coverage of the SSMU Legislative Council decomissioning their President and VP External due to sexual assault allegations.

Au service des étudiantes.pdf
An interview with the VP of University Affairs discussing their plan for the upcoming term, including on topics such as McGill's sexual violence policy and divestment.

Autonomie des Affaires autochtones.pdf
An article explaining the necessity of the Indigenous Equity Fee because it will help Indigenous students be more financially independent and open new positions dedicated to Indigenous issues, among other reasons.
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