Browse Items (125 total)

  • Tags: Sexual Assault Centre of the McGill Students' Society (SACOMSS)

services au référendum d_hiver 2021 - le délit.pdf
An infographic outlining the fees up for renewal in an upcoming referendum, including SACOMSS, WalkSafe, and Midnight Kitchen.

La nuit à McGill.pdf
Interviews with students from organizations that provide services at night, McGill Students' Nightline and Walksafe.

lettre ouverte contre la violence sexuelle - le délit.pdf
Coverage of the SSMU submitting an open letter to the McGill administration requesting an investigation into abusive behaviour by certain professors.

Comment lutter contre la culture du viol.pdf
An article discussing how to fight rape culture on an individual and McGill-wide level.

[redacted]_ les réactions étudiantes - le délit-redacted.pdf
Commentary on the sexual violence allegations against SSMU VP External from students and student organizations.

Du concret!.pdf
Coverage of the student services and clubs' recommended edits to the proposed sexual violence policy.

Enquête violence sexuelles á McGill.pdf
A feature about sexual violence at McGill, including definitions, a timeline of activism at McGill, student testimonies, and a pros and cons list for implementing a sexual violence policy.

Un document précurseur.pdf
Coverage of the Sexual Assault Policy Working Group's publishing of a draft of a potential sexual violence policy at McGill.

Vers une culture du consentement.pdf
Coverage of McGill's first Consent Week which consisted of educational activities and workshops facilitated by SACOMSS, SSMU, SEDE, UGE and Healthy McGill.

Combattre la culture du viol.pdf
Coverage of SACOMSS' annual sexual violence awareness week.
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