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  • Tags: student government

In light of the SSMU constitution's commitment to social justice and equity, SSMU published a report examining avenues through which SSMU can develop more equitable governance structures. The report outlines a set of six methods that SSMU can…

L_«affaire [redacted]».pdf
An editorial about a SSMU representative's violent anti-zionist tweet.

McGill met l_AÉUM sous pression.pdf
An article covering the aftermath of a SSMU representative's anti-zionist tweet, including McGill administration pressuring SSMU to decomission the student, as per their constitution.

McGill met l_AÉUM sous pression.pdf
An article covering the aftermath of a SSMU representative's anti-zionist tweet, publicizing the SSMU vote on the matter.

[redacted]_ les réactions étudiantes - le délit-redacted.pdf
Commentary on the sexual violence allegations against SSMU VP External from students and student organizations.

allégations d_agression sexuelle concernant [redacted] et [redacted]_ l’aÉum lève le voile - le délit.pdf
Coverage of the SSMU Legislative Council decomissioning their President and VP External due to sexual assault allegations.

AÉUM Candidats.pdf
Publication of SSMU candidates' positions and platforms ahead of an election.

Entrevues représentants AÉUM.pdf
Interviews of SSMU representatives VP Student Life, VP Finance, VP External Affairs, VP Internal Affairs, VP University Affairs, and the SSMU President.
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