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  • Tags: rape culture

Consentement, parlons-en.pdf
An article on the topic of the necessity of education about consent.

Pour un combat inclusif contre la culture du viol.pdf
Discussion of being inclusive when dealing with rape culture and incidents of sexual violence and considering other forms of oppression, such as race, as root factors.

Sans oui, c_est non!.pdf
An article in a special edition section focused on rape culture criticizing Quebec news broadcasts for participating in perpetuating rape culture in their coverage of incidents of sexual violence.

Coverage, in a special edition section focused on rape culture, of a protest against sexual violence against women in response to multiple local incidents of sexual violence.

Démanteler la culture du viol.pdf
An article in a special edition section focused on rape culture interviewing Professors Shaheen Shariff and Carrie Rentschler about their project to address sexual violence at canadian universities.

Comment lutter contre la culture du viol.pdf
An article discussing how to fight rape culture on an individual and McGill-wide level.
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