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  • Tags: protest

Don't get arrested.pdf
A discussion about interacting with police when trans.

vol109iss9_The R_dmen name.pdf
Student activists hold a protest for the Change the Name campaign, an effort to change the name of the Men's Varsity athletics teams.

« changez le nom! » - le délit.pdf
Coverage of a protest demanding that McGill change the name of their sports teams.

«On n_est pas des Trumpettes».pdf
Coverage of the Women's Marches held in cities across North America organized in response to Donald Trump's inauguration.


Coverage, in a special edition section focused on rape culture, of a protest against sexual violence against women in response to multiple local incidents of sexual violence.

À vos marques, prêts, manifestez!.pdf
Coverage of the first of weekly protests against government austerity and the oil economy, organized by l’Association pour une solidarité syndicale étudiante (ASSÉ).

Tags: ,

Bad Blood Brewing.PDF
Article about Queer McGill protesting a blood drive due to a ban of donations from men who have sex with men.

Carrés roses contrecarrés.pdf
Two articles taking either side of the debate on whether to increase police presence in Montreal's Gay Village or not.

Choose Life protest ends in violence.pdf
Discussion of a protest outside of a Choose Life event and police intervention.
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