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  • Tags: blood drive

Héma-Québec restreint les dons de sang des homosexuels.pdf
Coverage of Hema-Quebec's homophobic policy restricting homosexual men from donating blood.

Discrimination à la veine.pdf
An editorial criticizing Hema-Quebec for refusing to collect blood from homosexual men.

Réactions sanguinaires.pdf
A pair of letters to the editor in reference to controversy around the Hema-Quebec blood drive.

Du sang et des hommes.pdf
A critique of Hema-Quebec's discriminatory practices and coverage of the cancellation of McGill's blood drive due to protests.

Sang sain, éthique malmenée.pdf
Coverage of Queer McGill running an information booth about Hema-Quebec's discriminatory practices during McGill's blood drive.

Queer McGill Proteste.pdf
An article discussing Queer McGill protesting regulations banning men who have sex with men from donating blood.

Bad Blood Brewing.PDF
Article about Queer McGill protesting a blood drive due to a ban of donations from men who have sex with men.

Lesbian, Bisexual, Gay, and Transgender Students of McGill organizes a demonstration to protest the homophobic policies of the Canadian Red Cross blood drive on campus.
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