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  • Tags: police

Don't get arrested.pdf
A discussion about interacting with police when trans.

vol108iss9_This is no longer a safe place.pdf
A feature on homophobic policing in Quebec.

«Black Lives Matter» le combat continue.pdf
An article on the topic of the Black Lives Matter movement.

A disclosure of an experience of sexual violence for which the author discusses why they did not report and the possibility of the perpetrator reoffending.

À vos marques, prêts, manifestez!.pdf
Coverage of the first of weekly protests against government austerity and the oil economy, organized by l’Association pour une solidarité syndicale étudiante (ASSÉ).

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Choose Life protest ends in violence.pdf
Discussion of a protest outside of a Choose Life event and police intervention.

comprendre et lutter contre la violence des forces de l’ordre (établi) - le délit.pdf
An editorial about police brutality and the penal system in Montreal and Quebec.

After a series of sexual assaults in the library, Montreal Urban Community (MUC) Police apprehend the perpetrator.

Crime Wave Hits Campus Area.PDF
An article summarizing responses to a rise in assaults and break-ins around McGill's downtown campus.
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