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  • Tags: police

Sécurité nocturne à McGill _rotated-1.pdf
An explanation of all the resources available to ensure safety around McGill's campus.

McGill student victim of racial profiling.pdf
A report of a McGill student being heard at the Quebec Superior Court regarding a racial profiling case.

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Don't get arrested.pdf
A discussion about interacting with police when trans.

SSMU responds to Choose Life event.pdf
The president of SSMU writes about a controversial Choose Life event.

Choose Life protest ends in violence.pdf
Discussion of a protest outside of a Choose Life event and police intervention.

Crime Wave Hits Campus Area.PDF
An article summarizing responses to a rise in assaults and break-ins around McGill's downtown campus.

Solin Safety Made Top Priority.PDF
Update on safety measures implemented at the Solin Hall residence following a mugging nearby.

After a series of sexual assaults in the library, Montreal Urban Community (MUC) Police apprehend the perpetrator.

An article describing safety issues on campus following several sexual assaults in 1988 and 1989. The article discusses the role and responsibilities of McGill security and the Montreal Urban Community (MUC) Police, as well as student organizations…

vol108iss9_This is no longer a safe place.pdf
A feature on homophobic policing in Quebec.
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