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  • Tags: divestment

The McGill Daily conducts an interview with McGill Principal Suzanne Fortier and asks her questions about rape culture, access to information, and divestment.

Ce qu_en dit Suzanne Fortier.pdf
Coverage of a radio interview with the McGill principal Suzanne Fortier on the topic of sexual violence, professor-student relationships, and divestment.

Cette année à McGill.pdf
A timeline of significant activist milestones in the 2018-2019 school year.

Au service des étudiantes.pdf
An interview with the VP of University Affairs discussing their plan for the upcoming term, including on topics such as McGill's sexual violence policy and divestment.

Conseil législatif de l_AÉUM.pdf
Coverage of a SSMU legislative council meeting in which they discussed supporting the call for McGill to divest from fossil fuels and implement a fund for Indigenous students.

Madeline Wilson sanctionnée.pdf
Coverage of the SSMU VP of University Affairs being suspended for responding to racist comments on Facebook with profanity as a SSMU representative.

vol109iss15_VP UA Faces Suspension.pdf
A SSMU executive was suspended from her duties following her use of profanities in a social media post regarding the McGill administration's refusal to divest from fossil fuels.
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