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  • Tags: Consent

vol109iss1_Our Shared Spaces.pdf
Students and staff work together to update and improve "Our Shared Spaces" (previously know as "Rez Project) an equity education project offered in student residence.

À la défense du doute raisonnable.pdf
An opinion piece responding to an earlier editorial on the topic of the presumption of innocence and reasonable doubt in cases of sexual violence.

Action réaction.pdf
Coverage of a conference run by Consent McGill about consent and preventing sexual violence.

Ce qui sera moins facile à décoller-redacted.pdf
An editorial outlining the persistent sexual violence problems at and around McGill, despite the administrative advancements made and the work student organizations have put in.

vol109iss3_Consent is Mandatory.pdf
A student writes about their impressions of the "It Takes All of Us" sexual violence education program and larger discussions around consent on campus.

Consentement, parlons-en.pdf
An article on the topic of the necessity of education about consent.

An editorial criticizing McGill University for their lack of response to an incident of sexual violence perpetrated by McGill althetes.

Feminism has not yet accomplished its goals.pdf
A critique of postfeminism and an argument for why feminism is still needed.

vol109iss5_In the Moment.pdf
A survivor describes their understanding of consent and why it's so necessary in light of their previous experiences of sexual violence and abuse.
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