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  • Tags: sexual assault

Le VIH un virus ou un crime.pdf
An article discussing the criminalization of non-disclosure of HIV status.

Quelle justice pour le Val d_Or.pdf
An article about the radio show segment Enquête on Radio Canada on the topic of violence against Indigenous women in Abitibi.

Qui sont les Ogres.pdf
An article discussing misconceptions about pedophilia.

Scandale à l_Université Dalhousie.pdf
Coverage of thirteen University of Dalhousie students getting suspended for posting sexist messages implying sexual violence directed at classmates on Facebook.

A disclosure of an experience of sexual violence for which the author discusses why they did not report and the possibility of the perpetrator reoffending.

An editorial criticizing McGill University for their lack of response to an incident of sexual violence perpetrated by McGill althetes.

Un innocence derrière les barreaux.pdf
Coverage of Innocence McGill's first conference covering the topic of false accusations.

Rethinking safety.pdf
Article about SACOMSS' suggestions for McGill's administration.

Take Back the Night.PDF
A student discusses concerns about the safety of being outside at night near campus.
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