Browse Items (6 total) Browse All Browse by Tag Search Items Tags: General Assembly Sort by: Title Creator Date Added Against pro-life groups Co-authors of the GA motion that disbanded Choose Life responding to criticism. Tags: Choose Life, General Assembly, reproductive justice, SSMU, student government Council prepares for GA Article covering the SSMU Council's discussions of QPIRG and SACOMSS fees, among other things. Tags: General Assembly, QPIRG, Sexual Assault Centre of the McGill Students' Society (SACOMSS), sexual violence, SSMU, student fees and funding, student government, Student Organizations Ce que vous devez savoir sur la prochaine Assemblée générale de l'AÉUM A summary of SSMU general assembly motions including one about SSMU supporting the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions campaign. Tags: Boycott divestment and Sanctions (BDS), General Assembly, Indigeneity, SSMU, student government L'AG pose son empreinte During a well-attended General Assembly, the motion that SSMU supports BDS passed, among other important motions. Tags: Boycott divestment and Sanctions (BDS), General Assembly, Indigeneity, SSMU, student government L'AÉUM: retour sur les évènements des dernières semaines A summary set on a timeline of the events in a controversy regarding the constitutionality of SSMU's support of BDS. Tags: Boycott divestment and Sanctions (BDS), General Assembly, Israel, Palestine, SSMU Un v.-p. de l'AÉUM accusé d'inconduite sexuelle Coverage of the SSMU VP Internal being suspended due to allegations of sexual violence. Tags: General Assembly, Involvement Restriction Policy (IRP), sexual violence, SSMU, student government Output Formats atom, dcmes-xml, json, omeka-xml, rss2