Browse Items (7 total)

  • Tags: L'Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM)

Initations controversées.pdf
Coverage of social media reports of UQAM's communication studies department hosting a sexist and degrading orientation week and general discussion of these issues at other universities.

Le droit à l_avortement plus menacé que jamais.pdf
Coverage of an information and discussion section on the topic of abortion.

le point sur les violences sexuelles au cégep - le délit.pdf
Coverage of a report on sexual violence research conducted at five CEGEPs by the Projet intercollégial d’étude sur le consentement, l’égalité et la sexualité (PIECES, or the Intercollegial Project to Study Consent, Equality, and Sexuality in…

Le Québec subversif des années 1970.pdf
Coverage of conferences led by Anarchives on the topic of LGBT student activism in the 1970s.

Les hommes à la rescousse des femmes_rotated-1.pdf
An article covering the advocacy group "le collectif masculin contre le sexisme".

UQAM «on t_a à l_œil».pdf
Coverage of a demonstration at UQAM against sexual violence by professors on students.
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