Coverage from Le Délit

Dublin Core


Coverage from Le Délit

Collection Items

Le retrait non consenti du condom examiné par la Cour suprême
Coverage of the legal debates surrounding the practice of stealthing, removing one's condom during sex without the knowledge or consent of the other partner, and whether or not it counts as sexual violence.

Prostitution et études font-ils bon ménage?
Interviews with student sex workers and their experiences.

Nouvelle ressource pour les victimes de harcèlement, de discrimination et violences sexuelles
Coverage of the opening of the Office for Mediation and Reporting (OMR), creating a clear distinction from the Office for Sexual Violence Response, Support and Education (OSVRSE).

Services au référendum d'hiver 2021
An infographic outlining the fees up for renewal in an upcoming referendum, including SACOMSS, WalkSafe, and Midnight Kitchen.

Ça concerne aussi l'Administration de McGill
Coverage of the McGill administration's inaction in the face of complaints of sexual violence and critiques of the consent education program It Takes All of Us.

Un étudiant de McGill visé par des allégations de violence sexuelle
Coverage of an email sent out by the vice principal of McGill revealing that the administration is aware of accusations of sexual violence on campus, likely in response to a petition signed by 50,000 students protesting the lack of intervention…

Le point sur les violences sexuelles au cégep
Coverage of a report on sexual violence research conducted at five CEGEPs by the Projet intercollégial d’étude sur le consentement, l’égalité et la sexualité (PIECES, or the Intercollegial Project to Study Consent, Equality, and Sexuality in…

Un v.-p. de l'AÉUM accusé d'inconduite sexuelle
Coverage of the SSMU VP Internal being suspended due to allegations of sexual violence.

Qu'en est-il du v.-p. Interne de l'AÉUM?
Coverage of the SSMU elected officials takin gup their roles in the summer but VP Internal, who had been recently accused of perpetrating sexual violence, was not present.

Accusation visant le futur v.-p. interne de l'AÉUM: quelle est la procédure?
An article speculating what the procedure might be regarding the incoming SSMU VP Internal being accused of perpetrating sexual violence.
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