Coverage of a protest calling for greater accessibility of physical and mental health resources for students at McGill, including reinstating long-term care and shortening wait times.
An article explaining the necessity of the Indigenous Equity Fee because it will help Indigenous students be more financially independent and open new positions dedicated to Indigenous issues, among other reasons.
An interview with the SSMU Indigenous Affairs Coordinator on the topic of Indigenous issues on campus, including the Change the Name campaign and abuse in Child Protective Services.
Coverage of a protest of the federal government's decision to repeal a ruling that would compensate child survivors of abuse in Child Protective Services.
Coverage of a SSMU legislative council meeting in which they discussed supporting the call for McGill to divest from fossil fuels and implement a fund for Indigenous students.
An interview with the VP of University Affairs discussing their plan for the upcoming term, including on topics such as McGill's sexual violence policy and divestment.