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  • Tags: Concordia

Franchir le pas.pdf
Coverage of Concordia deciding to start a service for sexual assault survivors.

Les hommes à la rescousse des femmes_rotated-1.pdf
An article covering the advocacy group "le collectif masculin contre le sexisme".

La résistance anti-Trump.pdf
An article discussing the aftermath of Donald Trump winning the presidential election in the United States and how students might be feeling, ultimately encouraging students to take action, publicizing a QPIRG event on the topic.

An article detailing a legal challenge put forth by the Centre for Gender Advocacy to fight transphobic stipulations in a law pertaining to changing gender identity on government ID

Le VIH un virus ou un crime.pdf
An article discussing the criminalization of non-disclosure of HIV status.

An article about the 2-year fight to establish Concordia's Sexual Assault Resource Centre (SARC), spearheaded by the Centre for Gender Advocacy, as well as the services that SARC provides

The first issue of Yiara Magazine, an undergraduate feminist art & art history publication.

The second issue of Yiara Magazine, an undergraduate feminist art & art history publication.
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